Ross Library




Annie Halenbake Ross Library of Trustees is comprised of 7 members appointed by the City of Lock Haven and 4 by the Clinton County Commissioners. Each position is for a 3 year term and can be renewed at the end of that term. Each member serves on 3 committees such as Library/Personnel, Finance, Fund Raising, Building, Public Relations, and Technology.

Board of Trustees

President Joshua Hudson 
Vice President Elsa Winch
Treasurer Drew Deems
Secretary Shanan Miller
Renovo Representative Amy Lynne Strong 
Friendship Representative

Art Sanders

Amy Corbett

Chris Stanonis

Rona Houser

Laural Zerbe



Vacancies appear periodically. If you wish to be considered for a current vacancy or a future vacancy, please contact Ross Library at (570) 748-3321, stop at the main desk at the Annie Halenbake Ross Library in Lock Haven, click on the link Board Member Application or email

Board Meetings
  • Open to the Public beginning 6:30 p.m.
  • First Wednesday of every month except December and July.
  • Most meetings held on the 3rd floor of Ross Library or via Zoom. 

Email to request a meeting link. 

Ross Library