Annie Halenbake Ross Library of Trustees is comprised of 7 members appointed by the City of Lock Haven and 4 by the Clinton County Commissioners. Each position is for a 3 year term and can be renewed at the end of that term. Each member serves on 3 committees such as Library/Personnel, Finance, Fund Raising, Building, Public Relations, and Technology.
Board of Trustees
President – Joshua Hudson
Vice President – Elsa Winch
Treasurer – Drew Deems
Secretary – Shanan Miller
Renovo Representative – Amy Lynne Strong
Friendship Representative —
Art Sanders
Amy Corbett
Chris Stanonis
Rona Houser
Laural Zerbe
Vacancies appear periodically. If you wish to be considered for a current vacancy or a future vacancy, please contact Ross Library at (570) 748-3321, stop at the main desk at the Annie Halenbake Ross Library in Lock Haven, click on the link Board Member Application or email
Board Meetings
- Open to the Public beginning 6:30 p.m.
- First Wednesday of every month except December and July.
- Most meetings held on the 3rd floor of Ross Library or via Zoom.
Email to request a meeting link.