Ross Library

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is January fifteenth, to commemorate the famous civil rights activist. King stood for nonviolence and equal rights, and as we celebrate the day dedicated to remembering him, the Ross Library offers a selection of materials to study his life and his work.

In our biography section, we have two biographies about King: “King,” by Jonathan Eig, and “Martin Luther King Jr: …To The Mountaintop” by William Roger Witherspoon. And autobiography of his wife is available, as well: “My Life, My Love, My Legacy,” by Coretta Scott King, as told to Rev. Dr. Barbara Reynolds. All of these books are available for checkout.

Two of King’s works, “The Trumpet of Conscience” and “A Testament Of Hope” are available from the library, as well. If you have trouble finding them, our staff will be happy to help you, and if they are checked out, we can put them on hold for you.

If a graphic novel captures your interest, “March: Book One” by John Lewis might be the book for you. Lewis, a leader in the Civil Rights Movement, published this book in 2013 with Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell. The book describes Lewis’s early life and his life-changing meeting with Dr. King. And if you’re very interested, there are two further books in this series.

The library’s “Power Library” online feature has a selection of sources about King, as well. Starting with the Ross Library’s website, it’s simply a matter of choosing “Research and Resources” and then selecting “E-Books and other Databases” from the drop-down menu. Then click the Power Library icon.

The Power Library’s Black Freedom segment has a full list of items about King here:

This January is a time to learn about King, his life, and his mission. King’s work lives on, and it is available through your public library.

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