Ross Library


Lou Bernard


LOCK HAVEN, PA – Pennsylvania started off strong last week in a serious start to the Clinton Challenge. Finishing the week with 65 hours of reading, they trounced the competing libraries, with new York coming in second place with 28 hours, and New Jersey in third with 17.

This is only the first round of the summer competition, the Clinton Challenge. Clinton County Libraries in Pennsylvania will be facing off against Kirkland Town Library in Clinton, NY and Hunterdon County Library in Clinton, NJ. Patrons of each library can join in by picking up a form at the reference desk or contacting the Ross Library at 570-748-3321 or

“Watch out, PA,” warned Anne DeBraggio of New York. “We were double-tying our shoes so we got a slow start, but we’ll catch up!”

The three libraries will compete until September 2nd, the final day of the program. Patrons will turn their hours in every Friday to have them counted for the week.

“I don’t want to get too cocky,” stated Lou Bernard of Pennsylvania. “Sure, we started off strong, but we can’t get lazy now. I think these guys are going to give us a run for our money. We’re not going to win this thing if we start slacking now.”

All three libraries are currently going strong, reading and collecting their hours this week. Hours are due by Friday, June 10, and will be tallied up over the weekend. Bernard said he is confident in his team’s ability to win the summer program.

“We have some dedicated patrons, some of them checking out eight, ten books at a time,” he said. “That’s the kind of effort we need right now. By the end of summer, if we keep this up, hopefully I’ll be getting Gatorade poured on me. Wait….Are we not doing that?”

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